Zengeon is an anime infused action RPG and roguelite with a selection of unique characters and varying play-styles. Hit the streets solo, or team up with up to three friends and defend the world from demonic darkness by slaughtering your way through Infernal hordes and colossal bosses.
- Six unique characters to choose from - each with their own skills, abilities and vastly differing playstyles
- No two play through are the same - enjoy endless replayability with an ever-changing map layout and enemy placement
- Dynamically build your characters on the fly - Make tough decisions as you determine between uniquely generated power-ups and create a build that is perfect for your playstyle, all in-game
- Adapt your strategy to the situation, combined hundreds of skills and battle your way to the warp points
- Play with up to three friends – team up with your friends and take down the infernal hordes together. The more players that join your game, The harder zengeon gets with automatic difficulty scaling